How to prevent Mould

According to damp can impact the air quality in a home and cause detrimental effects to health.

Mould is a kind of fungus that develops from airborne spores. It can grow anywhere in homes from walls, pipes and ceilings through to carpets, clothing and paper with mildew and black mould the tell-tale signs. he young, the elderly and those with respiratory issues are particularly at risk. We take a look at mould prevention and what you can do to help ensure it doesn’t develop in your home.

Find and eliminate moisture sources

Mould grows wherever there is moisture with any signs of damp a result of condensation and rising or penetrating damp. Initially, you should do an audit of your property to identify any problem areas. You could also check your home’s humidity level with a hygrometer.

How To Spot Signs of Damp

One sign of damp common to all kinds of damp problem is that unmistakable musty smell. Black moulds and spotting can also occur with all the different kinds of damp if the conditions are right, as can various types of rot, but there are some other symptoms that might help to identify the nature of a particular damp problem:

Rising Damp

The classic symptom of rising damp is the tidemark on the wall, which usually occurs about a meter above ground level. Other signs that you may have a rising damp problem include:

Damaged or crumbling skirting boards.

Peeling paint and wallpaper.

Rotting floor boards.

Discoloration and staining on the walls.

Deposits on the walls, caused by the deposition of earth salts from the evaporating moisture.

Penetrating Damp

Some symptoms of penetrating damp are similar to those of rising damp and can include the presence of moulds and unpleasant odours. The key to differentiating the two usually lies in structural factors, the prevailing weather conditions and a close examination of the patterns involved. Typical signs of penetrating damp are:

Damp patches on walls, ceilings and floors.

Damp that occurs on the upper floors of a building, where rising damp will not reach.

Damp patches that seem worse after heavy rain.

Damp that occurs on walls that are frequently exposed to driving rain.

Water damage and decay in exposed timber and masonry.


Condensation is usually easy to spot, with misting and moisture on windows being an obvious sign of damp problems in your property, although it can also occur on other surfaces where it doesn’t stand out quite so much. If condensation is a regular issue within a particular room then some common symptoms include:

Peeling paint on window frames

Mould and structural damage surrounding windows

Peeling paint on window sills

Mould on net curtains

If these symptoms are present, it is worth checking to see if condensation could be causing issues in other areas of the room, particularly on walls.

Ventilate the bathroom…

Moisture builds up quickly in the bathroom so it’s important it’s sufficiently ventilated. If it’s possible, keep the window ajar and the door open. Moisture can develop in the air but also on the walls too so where possible wipe down the walls to lessen the risk of mildew appearing.

…and the kitchen

Similarly, your kitchen is another room at risk whether you’re boiling the kettle or cooking a meal. Make sure you use your extractor fan if you have one. If you don’t, keep the kitchen door closed to contain the moisture and open a window afterwards. This will help stop condensation settling on the wall and ceiling.

Clean up spillages

It doesn’t take long for mould to develop on wet work surfaces or floors so make sure any spillages are cleaned up swiftly.

Check your appliances

Kitchen appliances like fridges all have drip trays and these need to be checked regularly to ensure they’re not leaking, spilling or collecting mould.

Don’t overfill bedrooms

Bedroom wardrobes can be a breeding ground for black mould as it prevents air from circulating. Likewise, make sure there is space around your bedroom furniture and it’s not leaning up against an external wall.

Dry clothes outside where possible

Drying your clothes on a radiator is another way to create condensation in the home. Of course hanging clothes outside isn’t an option in the winter months so instead keep these aired in a well-ventilated room. Ideally with the window open. If you’re using a tumble dryer, make sure the room is vented correctly so that the moisture is outside your home. Don’t leave wet clothes lying around either as mould can spread quickly.

Check your houseplants

Mould loves house plants and the moist soil provides a great breeding ground. Make sure you keep the soil clean and add an anti-fungal to it that acts as a deterrent.

Keep ground water away from your home

As well as checking the inside of your home, you should also do an audit of the outside. Check there is no ground water collecting around the brickwork of your home.

Clear guttering

Leaking guttering and roofs can be causes of mould too. Have these checked and inspected for damage on a regular basis and keep an eye out for stains inside that can be a sign there is a leak outside.

There are many mould removing agents available in high street stores. Please follow the manufactures instructions carefully when using any kind of cleaning agents.