Energy Support Hub

This section offers help and advice for people who may be facing difficulty with their fuel bills. We have gathered together advice from many sources in to one easy to use resource. Scroll down and click the buttons to obtain the relevant information

Four Steps to saving money on utility bills

  1. Vacate - Common sense I know but the less time you spend in your home the less you spend on bills!! Visit community centres, volunteer, visit Family and friends.

  2. Insulate - Fabric Heat loss occurs when heat moves from the inside to the outside of a home through the buildings fabric. typical values include:

25% through a roof

35% through walls

10% through windows

15% through floors

15% through drafts.

Combat these issues as much as possible to lock in heat and lower those bills.

  1. Ventilate - Without proper ventilation, an otherwise insulated and airtight house will seal in harmful pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, and moisture that can damage a house. Proper ventilation helps keep a home energy-efficient, safe, and healthy.

  2. Operate - Understand how to operate your appliances in the most efficient way. Charge storage heaters at night if your on a cheaper night time tariff, turn appliances off when not in use rather than keep them on standby and turn down heating by 1C to save money.

Check out the options below for further support.